YJ: I told you that I could protect CEO Cha's dreams.I told you that I was in love with CEO Cha. Are you planning on taking advantage of the guilt he feels as your ex-husband? What are you hoping to change by pathetically clinging on to him like that?
AR: Whether it's a sense of guilt or just regret that he feels...that's a problem between us two. It's not something for you to get involved in.
YJ:'Us two'? You're speaking as if you two have already reconciled? Oh my goodness
AR: There's no reason why we can't. Whether it was out of a sense of guilt or regret, I was shaken up because of the feelings that I had for him. Just why it is that we couldn't start over again and since we've already been through it once perhaps we'd be better at it the second time around.
AR: You say that I'm taking advantage of Jung Woo's sense of guilt over me? You use the excuse of having helped Jung Woo through his difficult times at work, to take advantage of his gratefulness to keep him near you. What is it that you're so afraid of? Are you not able to control Jung Woo's feelings like you thought you'd be able to?
He meets SH at the waiting room and asks why it was kept from him. SH said his sister asked him to keep it a secret because she didnt want him to pity her and that she hoped he would eventually fall in love with her.
SH: My sister asked me to keep it a secret. I'm sure she didn't want anyone's sympathy over of her leg. If she just stayed with you by your side and protected you from everything... she must've thought that would get you to fall in love with her.
Both my father, and my sister… and even me... I think we all love in similar ways. But my mom still left my dad... and you abandoned my sister. So how do you think I'll end up?
...there's no need for you to protect me…because I've already abandoned you, and cast you aside. If you truly intend on protecting Ae Ra prepare to put your life on the line. Because... I'm going to do whatever I have to do to keep Ae Ra by my side.
AR arrives home to find MY crying in the bathroom with a pregnancy test in hand. AR assures her that she's not. Minyoung says she likes SooChul so much that the thought of having a baby with him made her so happy.
AR starts tearing up as this brings up painful memories of her own pregnancy and miscarriage…
AR: Our baby... was my hope. I really... I really wanted to protect our baby. But I ended up losing our baby.
MY: You need to forget about that now.
AR: How can I forget about our baby? If I forget about our baby too... then our baby will become so pitiful….I thought... that since I could endure all of the difficulties... I must've thought that our baby would do the same.
MY: You couldn't do anything about it either. You were always so busy working to try to pay the rent and keep food on the table that you never even had any time to rest.
AR: But I was the mommy. I should've protected my baby better... I was always so exhausted all the time... that I never even played any beautiful music for my baby. I never even got to tell Jung Woo about the baby... so my baby never even once got to hear daddy's voice. Maybe I should've told him about the baby. Maybe if I had... then maybe Jung Woo and I…
Meanwhile, JW came into the house when no one answered his knock, overhears their conversation and finally finds out about the miscarriage. Overwhelmed, he breaks down and cries.
MY comes out of the bathroom to find JW outside the door.
JW comes into the bathroom to comfort AR. JW apologizes and pulls her into a hug.
JW: I'm sorry...I'm so sorry... I'll be better. It shames me to know... that it's already too late to say this now... but I can't think of anything else to say to you other than those words right now.
A little later, the two have a heart to heart talk. AR lying in bed and JW sitting a few feet way by the door. JW promises he'll do better this time and apologizes again saying that even though it might be too late to say it, he can't think of anything else to say.
AR tells JW that she is afraid of getting hurt again that she doesn't know what to make of her feelings or of JW's. He asks to talk to her face to face but AR says it makes it easier for her to talk to him that way. She asks him not to do anything and to leave her be... When he thought AR has fallen asleep, JW gets up and thinks that if that is AR wants, he will leave her alone.
At the hospital, YJ wakes up to find SH by her bedside. She asks for JW and SH makes up an excuse that he was needed at the office and that he was there for her earlier. SH informs her that he knows that she loves JW and the true relationship between JW and AR. He tells her not to worry because just like her, he is also someone who doesn't want JW and AR to get back together.
Back at the office, the moble home shopping department is in chaos over the fake bag incident. AR receives a call from the Shilla group. she heads up to the rooftop to take the call. They're calling to ask when can she start working for them and she replies that she'll start as soon as she wraps up things at Dontalk.
JW looks at her from afar, keeping his promise of leaving her alone, he walks away but couldn't help and take a last look as AW walks away.
At the conference room, they are having a meeting re: bag incident. Somebody takes issue with the fact that a mere intern was in charge, perhaps that intern accepted a bribe, etc but JW shoots down the idea saying if that were true why would she stop the filming and point out the switch? In the middle of the meeting, SH comes in with YJ's secretary reveals himself as YJ's brother and will be taking over her duties while she recuperates.
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Back at the office, Manager Kang laments why didn't he figure it out sooner while Team Leader Wang says its pathetic to suck up to someone related to the boss. SH appears and asks everyone to think of the times they worked together and to look upon him favorably. He asks that they don't pretend not to see him pointing out to AR.

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At the rooftop, SH apologizes to AR for deceiving her. He wanted her to know him for who he is without any preconceived notions. AR asks i there was anything else he was hiding. SH reveals that he has a close relationship with JW,
SH: I have a personal relationship with CEO Cha as well. To be more accurate... we're like family, and he's been like a big brother to me ever since I was little... I also know that you're Jung Woo's ex-wife. To be honest, I was feeling unsure and quite confused for some time now. But I've made up my mind now. Even though Jung Woo is a very important person to me... if I had to choose just one... I'd choose you.
JW pays a visit to Chairman Gook and appeals to him to take SH off as director, he reasons that promoting an intern to director overnight would affect the morale of the employees but the father is adamant that his son stays in order to protect his interest in the company. JW warns the father that he is only one of the investors in the company.
SH arrives and informs him that he has already called the other investors for a meeting and that JW should get ready for that instead of wasting his time there. After JW left, the father chuckles at his son, "You are finally starting to act like my child to which SH coldly responds, "Don't enjoy this too much".
At the investor's meeting, they discuss about the game that JW is currently developing. SH reminds the investors that the release date keeps getting pushed back that this was a project opposed by many etc. JW guarantees that it will be ready in three months and that he will personally take responsibility for it.
JW pays SH a visit in his new office with matching new nameplate. JW asks him why he's going this far? SH replies that its not just personal, he thinks that JW may be good with machines but he's not good with dealing with people, that he has some business ideas he wants to submit. Instead of being mad, JW smiles and appreciates the objective opinion, that he will give it some careful consideration. He then adopts a more formal tone, "thank you in advance for all your hard work, our newly appointed Director Gook" and leaves.
AR overhears that JW might lose everything if the program doesn't do well. She runs into Sec Gil who calls her sister-in-law, ex-sister-in-law that is and she asks if the rumors are true and if JW is okay.
Sec Gil relays her concern to JW and offers his phone to call her but refuses remembering her wish to be left alone. Sec Gil helps out instead by stalking AR while on video chat so JW can get a glimpse of her. They ended up getting caught by AR. JW apologizes for making her worry. She leaves without saying anything and Sec Gil tells JW that her father was sick.
JW arranges a not so clandestine meeting with AR's brother by the vending machine with matching dark shades. Apparently the father-in-law got injured while showing off in front of some hiking club ladies. He can't do anything coz he has to work overtime so AR is heading there right now to help. As JW leaves, SC calls out "brother-in-law" as Manager Kang passes by. So now he knows that AR is JW's ex-wife.
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At the restaurant, we see AR and Minyoung helping out, seems like they're expecting a large party and are still short handed. JW arrives, awkward silence then cut to JW helping out while trying to impress AR.
AR tries to ignore him but when she overhears a group of students who recognized him saying that rumors must be true that JW's company is in trouble she couldn't help but glance at JW with concern. When their gazes met, she sends him a timid smile but that was enough to get our adorkable CEO aflutter.
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After the restaurant closes, the family plays a game of go-stop at home with Minyoung and JW. AR gets up to leave and JW tries to get up too but the father holds him back. AR and Minyoung head home first. Minyoung asks AR why is she ignoring JW when he is trying so hard and she knows that AR likes him too. Was it because of SH or YJ? AR doesn't reply and both didn't realize that JW heard them from the other side of the door.
The next scene we see JW drowning his sorrows in soju, with drinking buddy Manager Kang. He tells Manager Kang that like him, (who's family is far away) he also has someone he misses badly but he has to endure it. Manager Kang brings home a very drunk JW. He boasts that he can handle his liquor but he is stumbling around getting into a fight with the wall, mwahahaha. Sec Gil tells Manager Kang to just give him a pillow and he'll sleep peacefully. Manager Kang tucks him in and hears him calling out for AR…
We see SH and AR at the park. SH brought AR out to cheer her up but it doesn't seem to be working. He take a picture of his mother's ring casting a heart shaped shadow on an open book and shows it to AR. He asks her help him as he start his design project. When AR tells him that she doesn't know anything about design, he says that just being there beside him inspires him. Then he gives AR a gift, a necklace made out of the soda can pull tab that got stuck on AR's finger. AR tells him that she got accepted at Shilla. SH said that he knows but she can make a choice. All he asks is for her to give him a chance.
JW visits YJ at the hospital. He apologizes for not having paid closer attention. YJ is relieved that the look in his eyes is warmer than what she thought it would be. She wants them to go to the US to find new investors but JW once again apologized for not having said the words sooner, that he is not the man for her but he is grateful for everything she has done for him.
At home Chairman Gook looks at dismay at his dying plant. Trimming the leaf does not make a difference when the root is rotting. He pulls it out from the pot and says it's time to throw it out. He then orders his right hand man to pull out all the money he invested in Dontalk.
With a heavy heart, JW walks back to his office. He meets AR at the glass elevator carrying two boxes. JW tries to ignore AR but couldn't help steal a glance at her. AR comes up to JW and nudges him to
take the boxes.Without saying a word, he takes them and breaks into a smile. She starts to smile but then takes a call from YJ.
SH and AR are at the hospital. YJ has asked to talk to AR. She tells AR that JW could end up losing the company because of AR. She tells AR she needs to get lost immediately. YJ gets hysterical and starts yelling at AR throwing stuff around. SH rushes in and hugs his sister. YJ cries out, "If JW leaves me...what am I going to do?"
AR returns to the office, she went to the office where she sees JW and Chairman Gook talking. Chairman Gook threatens JW that he stand to lose everything, was he willing to risk it? But JW says he is not willing to trade his marriage for money. When that didn't work, Chairman Gook gets down on his knees and begs saying that he was responsible for YJ's leg and if JW leaves, she might try to kill herself again. If JW helps her again, like three years ago, Chairman Gook will give him everything he has. JW apologizes again and tells the chairman that his mind cannot be changed. Enraged, Chairman Gook gets up and slaps him down. Standing outside the door, AR witnessed all these.
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My thoughts:
Overall, I like this episode. Although it seemed too convenient for JW to find out about the miscarriage that way it didn't lessen the emotional impact of the scene. Aera releases all the pent up pain, longing, regret, and sorrow over the loss of her baby to Minyoung. They have been avoiding talking about it for so long but she can only hold back so much and now that the time has come, JW happens to be listening outside the door. AR's voice was so full emotion and listening to it like JW you cannot help but get caught up in the emotion. It was so well acted not only by LMJ and JSW but even by the actress playing Minyoung. When JW came in and hugged AR to comfort her, and express how sorry he is, AR hugs him back in turn comforting him, both of them sharing in the pain and sorrow of losing their hope. It was such a poignant moment that should have happened three years ago but then we wouldn't have a show.
I read somewhere that although it may seem too convenient it actually makes sense for JW to go there if only to hear AR's side as to what really happened at the rooftop instead of assuming the worst like he did in previous episodes. At the same time, hearing AR discussing it with MY allowed JW to hear her express all sincere emotions and thoughts about what happened without cause for concern. She did keep this secret from him three years ago, why would she bring it up at this moment in time? Now that the secret is out, the can both start to heal and move forward.
Anyway, I really do love all our OTP moments. I loved how JW backed off to give her the space she wanted but at the same time was there when she or her family needed help. AR at the same time wants to push him away although she can't help but show concern for him whenever she hears he's having a rough time. At the restaurant, when AR overhears the students she couldn't help but look at JW with concern and give him a timid, encouraging smile to which JW responds adorkably cute.
JW and AR's putting the other before self is quite a contrast to the Gook family who put their interests over anything else. Although it is a consolation to see how the Gook siblings truly care for each other, I can't still get over the major transformation SH underwent in just a few months after meeting AR. From a carefree kid to a lovestruck intern, now a director criticizing JW for the way he handles people and the business just doesn't make any sense.
Another scene that I really loved was the glass elevator scene with AR silently handing the boxes to JW and we see how JW was transformed by it. It does seem like it was AR's way of saying she is willing to give it a second chance.
I don't really care much or the Gook family but it was a surprise to see the proud and mighty Chairman Gook got down on his knees and begged for JW to stay beside YJ. And of course it was certainly in his character to hit JW when he didn't get the response he expected. Finally everything is out in the open. YJ and her leg, JW's rejection of YJ's affection and her Dad's money. SH discarding years long friendship for a woman he just met and he knows doesn't love him back. JW overhearing AR's miscarriage and AR witnessing Daddy Gook's bullying and seeing JW standing firm in his decision to choose her over the company. We only have two more episodes to go! I'm excited to see how the story unfolds but at the same time sad that it will be over so soon.
Overall, I like this episode. Although it seemed too convenient for JW to find out about the miscarriage that way it didn't lessen the emotional impact of the scene. Aera releases all the pent up pain, longing, regret, and sorrow over the loss of her baby to Minyoung. They have been avoiding talking about it for so long but she can only hold back so much and now that the time has come, JW happens to be listening outside the door. AR's voice was so full emotion and listening to it like JW you cannot help but get caught up in the emotion. It was so well acted not only by LMJ and JSW but even by the actress playing Minyoung. When JW came in and hugged AR to comfort her, and express how sorry he is, AR hugs him back in turn comforting him, both of them sharing in the pain and sorrow of losing their hope. It was such a poignant moment that should have happened three years ago but then we wouldn't have a show.
I read somewhere that although it may seem too convenient it actually makes sense for JW to go there if only to hear AR's side as to what really happened at the rooftop instead of assuming the worst like he did in previous episodes. At the same time, hearing AR discussing it with MY allowed JW to hear her express all sincere emotions and thoughts about what happened without cause for concern. She did keep this secret from him three years ago, why would she bring it up at this moment in time? Now that the secret is out, the can both start to heal and move forward.
Anyway, I really do love all our OTP moments. I loved how JW backed off to give her the space she wanted but at the same time was there when she or her family needed help. AR at the same time wants to push him away although she can't help but show concern for him whenever she hears he's having a rough time. At the restaurant, when AR overhears the students she couldn't help but look at JW with concern and give him a timid, encouraging smile to which JW responds adorkably cute.
JW and AR's putting the other before self is quite a contrast to the Gook family who put their interests over anything else. Although it is a consolation to see how the Gook siblings truly care for each other, I can't still get over the major transformation SH underwent in just a few months after meeting AR. From a carefree kid to a lovestruck intern, now a director criticizing JW for the way he handles people and the business just doesn't make any sense.
Another scene that I really loved was the glass elevator scene with AR silently handing the boxes to JW and we see how JW was transformed by it. It does seem like it was AR's way of saying she is willing to give it a second chance.
I don't really care much or the Gook family but it was a surprise to see the proud and mighty Chairman Gook got down on his knees and begged for JW to stay beside YJ. And of course it was certainly in his character to hit JW when he didn't get the response he expected. Finally everything is out in the open. YJ and her leg, JW's rejection of YJ's affection and her Dad's money. SH discarding years long friendship for a woman he just met and he knows doesn't love him back. JW overhearing AR's miscarriage and AR witnessing Daddy Gook's bullying and seeing JW standing firm in his decision to choose her over the company. We only have two more episodes to go! I'm excited to see how the story unfolds but at the same time sad that it will be over so soon.
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